Whole Food Plant Based No Added Oil

Whole Food Plant Based No Added Oil
Whole Food, Plant~Based, Oil~Free Vegan, NO processed oils, Minimal Sugar Dietary Guidelines Food Pyramid

Who I Love (some influential teachers with links)

If you find a bad link please let me know thank you

1.   Abraham Hicks (Esther and Jerry Hicks) - Law of Attraction teachers, known for "The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham".

2.   Alan Watts - Philosopher and writer, known for "The Wisdom of Insecurity" and "The Way of Zen".

3.   Annie Lamott - Author and activist, known for "Bird by Bird" and "Operating Instructions".

4.   Bob Proctor - Personal development coach and author, known for "You Were Born Rich" and his work on the Law of Attraction.

5.   Bruce Lipton - Cellular biologist and author, known for "The Biology of Belief" and his research on epigenetics.

6.   Clayton Olsen - Relationship coach, founder of "The Pathway To His Heart" program.

7.   David Friedman - Author of "The Thought Exchange", known for his work on personal transformation.

8.   Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn - Physician advocating for plant-based nutrition, known for "Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease" and his research on heart health.

9.   Dr. Colin Campbell - Nutrition researcher and author, known for "The China Study" and his work on plant-based diets.

10. Dr. Daniel Goldman - Psychologist and author, known for his work on emotional intelligence and leadership.

11. Dr. Garth Davis - Bariatric surgeon and advocate for plant-based nutrition, known for "Proteinaholic" and his research on weight loss.

12. Dr. Mark Epstein - Psychiatrist and author, known for "The Trauma of Everyday Life" and his integration of Buddhism and psychotherapy.

13. Dr. Melanie Joy - Psychologist and author, specializing in veganism and animal rights advocacy.

14. Dr. Michael Clapper - Physician and advocate for plant-based nutrition, promoting holistic health.

15. Dr. Michael Gregor - Physician and author, known for "How Not to Die" and his evidence-based approach to nutrition.

16. Dr. Neal Barnard - Physician and advocate for plant-based nutrition, founder of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.

17. Dr. Neil Donald Walsh - Author and speaker, known for the "Conversations with God" series and his spiritual teachings.

18. Dr. Pamela Popper - Naturopathic doctor and advocate for plant-based nutrition, known for her work on health and wellness.

19. Dr. Randine Lewis - Acupuncturist and herbalist, specializing in fertility treatment.

20. Dr. T. Colin Campbell - Nutritional biochemist and author, known for "The China Study" and his research on nutrition and health.

21. Greg Braden - Author and speaker on science and spirituality, known for "The Divine Matrix" and "The God Code".

22. Jack Butler - Relationship coach and YouTuber, known for his relationship advice videos.

23. Jack Kornfield - Buddhist teacher and author, known for "A Path with Heart" and his contributions to mindfulness.

24. Joe Dispenza - Author and lecturer on neuroscience and spirituality, known for "Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself" and "Becoming Supernatural".

25. Joseph Campbell - Mythologist and author, known for "The Hero with a Thousand Faces" and his exploration of mythology.

26. Katherine Woodward Thomas - Author of "Conscious Uncoupling", known for her work on conscious relationships.

27. Lynne McTaggart - Author and journalist, known for "The Field" and "The Intention Experiment".

28. Malcolm Gladwell - Author and journalist, known for "The Tipping Point" and "Outliers".

29. Marc Evan Katz - Dating coach and author, known for "Why He Disappeared" and "Believe in Love".

30. Martin Luther King Jr. - Civil rights leader, known for his leadership in the American civil rights movement.

31. Mary Morrissey - Transformational speaker and author, known for "No Less Than Greatness" and "Building Your Field of Dreams".

32. Matthew Hussey - Relationship coach and author, known for "Get the Guy" and "The Secret Scripts".

33. Melanie Beckler - Angel communicator and author, known for her angelic guidance and meditations.

34. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - Author of "Flow", known for his work on the psychology of optimal experience.

35. Mike Dooley - Author and speaker, known for "Infinite Possibilities" and "Notes from the Universe".

36. Pema Chรถdrรถn - Buddhist nun and author, known for "When Things Fall Apart" and "The Places That Scare You".

37. Paul Ekman - Psychologist and author, known for his work on emotions and nonverbal communication.

38. Ralph Smart - YouTuber and speaker, known for his YouTube channel "Infinite Waters".

39. Ramana Maharshi - Indian sage and spiritual teacher, known for his teachings on self-inquiry and enlightenment.

40. Rory Ray - Love coach and YouTuber, known for his relationship advice videos.

41. Ruth Chang: How to make hard choices (One of my Favorites!!)

    42. Thich Nhat Hanh - Buddhist monk and peace activist, known for "The Miracle of Mindfulness" and "Peace Is Every Step".

I have just quickly generated some basic information about each person. Some of it is not available or blank. I will fill this out overtime and add more

Abraham Hicks (Esther and Jerry Hicks)

  • Biggest Accomplishment Summary: Pioneering teachings on the Law of Attraction and manifestation.

  • Main Philosophy: Emphasizes the power of positive thinking, alignment, and manifestation.

  • Teaching Summary: Offers guidance on harnessing the Law of Attraction to create the life you desire.

  • Most Recent Book: "The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham"

  • Quote: "You are joy, looking for a way to express. It's not just that your purpose is joy, it is that you are joy. You are love and joy and freedom and clarity expressing. Energy-frolicking and eager."

  • Esther Hicks aka Abraham Hicks: Date of birth March 5, 1948

  • Jerry Hicks Born: 1927 Died: November 18, 2011 (age 84 years) Spouse: Esther Hicks (m. 1980–2011)

Alan Watts

  • Biggest Accomplishment Summary: Influential philosopher and writer on Eastern philosophy and spirituality.

  • Main Philosophy: Explores the nature of reality, consciousness, and the human experience.

  • Teaching Summary: Offers insights into Zen Buddhism, Taoism, and the nature of being.

  • Date of Birth and Death: January 6, 1915 – November 16, 1973

  • Birthplace and Residence: Chislehurst, England - Lived in California, USA

  • Most Recent Book: "The Collected Letters of Alan Watts"

  • Quote: "The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance."

Bob Proctor

  • Biggest Accomplishment Summary: Renowned personal development coach and advocate for the Law of Attraction.

  • Main Philosophy: Advocates for the power of the mind, goal-setting, and abundance consciousness.

  • Teaching Summary: Offers strategies for success, prosperity, and transforming limiting beliefs.

  • Date of Birth and Death: July 5, 1934 - Present

  • Birthplace and Residence: Ontario, Canada - Lives in Arizona, USA

  • Most Recent Book: "The ABCs of Success: The Essential Principles from America's Greatest Prosperity Teacher"

  • Quote: "See yourself living in abundance and you will attract it. It works every time with every person."

Bruce Lipton

  • Biggest Accomplishment Summary: Noted cellular biologist and bestselling author on epigenetics and consciousness.

  • Main Philosophy: Explores the relationship between mind, body, and environment in shaping biology.

  • Teaching Summary: Offers insights into the science of belief, healing, and personal transformation.

  • Date of Birth and Death: October 21, 1944 - Present

  • Birthplace and Residence: Mount Kisco, New York, USA - Lives in Santa Cruz, California, USA

  • Most Recent Book: "The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth"

  • Quote: "The moment you change your perception, is the moment you rewrite the chemistry of your body."

Clayton Olsen

  • Biggest Accomplishment Summary: Esteemed relationship coach and founder of "The Pathway To His Heart" program.

  • Main Philosophy: Advocates for authentic communication, emotional intelligence, and healthy relationships.

  • Teaching Summary: Offers practical guidance for understanding men, fostering connection, and reigniting passion.

  • Most Recent Book: Not applicable

David Friedman

  • Biggest Accomplishment Summary: Author and thought leader in personal transformation and self-discovery.

  • Main Philosophy: Explores the power of thought, perception, and consciousness in shaping reality.

  • Teaching Summary: Offers techniques for shifting mindset, overcoming obstacles, and living with purpose.

  • Most Recent Book: "The Thought Exchange: Overcoming Our Resistance to Living a Sensational Life"

  • Quote: "Our thoughts shape our actions, our actions shape our lives, and our lives shape our destinies."

Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn

  • Biggest Accomplishment Summary: Notable physician and advocate for plant-based nutrition, renowned for his work in preventing and reversing heart disease.

  • Main Philosophy: Advocates for the power of a whole-food, plant-based diet in promoting heart health and overall well-being.

  • Teaching Summary: Offers evidence-based insights into the benefits of a plant-based diet, emphasizing its role in preventing and reversing chronic diseases.

  • Most Recent Book: "Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease: The Revolutionary, Scientifically Proven, Nutrition-Based Cure"

  • Quote: "Heart disease is a toothless paper tiger that need never exist."

Dr. Colin Campbell

  • Biggest Accomplishment Summary: Distinguished nutrition researcher and author, best known for his groundbreaking study "The China Study".

  • Main Philosophy: Advocates for the health benefits of a whole-food, plant-based diet in preventing chronic diseases.

  • Teaching Summary: Offers evidence-based insights into the link between diet and health, promoting plant-based nutrition for optimal well-being.

  • Most Recent Book: "Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutrition"

  • Quote: "The truth is simple. It's the lies that get complicated."

Dr. Daniel Goldman

  • Biggest Accomplishment Summary: Esteemed psychologist and author, renowned for his work on emotional intelligence and leadership.

  • Main Philosophy: Emphasizes the importance of emotional intelligence in personal and professional success.

  • Teaching Summary: Offers insights into self-awareness, empathy, and social skills, highlighting their role in effective leadership and relationships.

  • Most Recent Book: "Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ"

  • Quote: "In a very real sense, we have two minds, one that thinks and one that feels."

Dr. Garth Davis

  • Biggest Accomplishment Summary: Prominent bariatric surgeon and advocate for plant-based nutrition, known for his work in weight loss and health.

  • Main Philosophy: Advocates for the health benefits of a whole-food, plant-based diet in achieving sustainable weight loss and optimal health.

  • Teaching Summary: Offers evidence-based insights into nutrition, weight loss, and metabolic health, debunking myths about protein and dieting.

  • Most Recent Book: "Proteinaholic: How Our Obsession with Meat Is Killing Us and What We Can Do About It"

  • Quote: "There is no one diet that fits all. But there is one diet that fits most: a whole-food, plant-based diet."

Dr. Mark Epstein

  • Biggest Accomplishment Summary: Respected psychiatrist and author, known for his integration of Buddhist teachings and psychotherapy.

  • Main Philosophy: Explores the intersection of Western psychology and Eastern spirituality, offering insights into the nature of the mind and suffering.

  • Teaching Summary: Offers psychotherapeutic approaches informed by Buddhist philosophy, emphasizing mindfulness, acceptance, and compassion.

  • Most Recent Book: "Advice Not Given: A Guide to Getting Over Yourself"

  • Quote: "It is impossible to be in the present and stuck in the past or future at the same time."

Dr. Melanie Joy

  • Biggest Accomplishment Summary: Renowned psychologist and author, specializing in veganism and animal rights advocacy.

  • Main Philosophy: Advocates for the principle of "carnism" and the transformative power of veganism in fostering compassion and social justice.

  • Teaching Summary: Offers insights into the psychology of eating meat, promoting veganism as a means of reducing suffering and promoting sustainability.

  • Most Recent Book: "Beyond Beliefs: A Guide to Improving Relationships and Communication for Vegans, Vegetarians, and Meat Eaters"

  • Quote: "Veganism is not about giving anything up or losing anything; it is about gaining health, reducing suffering, and healing the planet."

Dr. Michael Clapper

  • Biggest Accomplishment Summary: Notable physician and advocate for plant-based nutrition, promoting holistic health and wellness.

  • Main Philosophy: Advocates for the health benefits of a plant-based diet in preventing chronic diseases and promoting vitality.

  • Teaching Summary: Offers evidence-based insights into the connection between diet and health, emphasizing the importance of whole, plant-based foods.

  • Most Recent Book: "The Simple Solution: One Doctor's Approach to Healthier Eating"

  • Quote: "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food."

Dr. Michael Gregor

  • Biggest Accomplishment Summary: Esteemed physician and author, known for his evidence-based approach to nutrition and health.

  • Main Philosophy: Advocates for evidence-based nutrition and lifestyle interventions in preventing and reversing chronic diseases.

  • Teaching Summary: Offers insights into the latest scientific research on diet and health, promoting plant-based nutrition for optimal well-being.

  • Most Recent Book: "How Not to Diet: The Groundbreaking Science of Healthy, Permanent Weight Loss"

  • Quote: "Every time you put something in your mouth, you are either feeding disease or fighting it."

Dr. Neal Barnard

  • Biggest Accomplishment Summary: Notable physician and advocate for plant-based nutrition, founder of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.

  • Main Philosophy: Advocates for the health benefits of a plant-based diet in preventing chronic diseases and promoting longevity.

  • Teaching Summary: Offers evidence-based insights into the role of nutrition in health, empowering individuals to make informed dietary choices.

  • Most Recent Book: "Your Body in Balance: The New Science of Food, Hormones, and Health"

  • Quote: "Food is the single most important factor influencing our health. Not only does food impact our weight, but it also affects our cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels."

Dr. Neil Donald Walsh

  • Biggest Accomplishment Summary: Notable author and speaker, best known for the "Conversations with God" series.

  • Main Philosophy: Explores spirituality, personal growth, and the nature of reality through a dialogue with the divine.

  • Teaching Summary: Offers insights into the nature of existence, consciousness, and the human experience, encouraging self-reflection and spiritual awakening.

  • Most Recent Book: "The Only Thing That Matters: Book 2 of the Conversations with Humanity Series"

  • Quote: "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone."

Dr. Pamela Popper

  • Biggest Accomplishment Summary: Noted naturopathic doctor and advocate for plant-based nutrition, known for her work in health and wellness.

  • Main Philosophy: Emphasizes the importance of nutrition, lifestyle, and preventive medicine in achieving optimal health and well-being.

  • Teaching Summary: Offers evidence-based insights into nutrition, disease prevention, and healthy living, empowering individuals to take control of their health.

  • Most Recent Book: "Food Over Medicine: The Conversation That Could Save Your Life"

  • Quote: "The human body is designed to heal itself if it is given the right tools to do so."

Dr. Randy Lewis

Randine Lewis, founded Eastern Harmony Clinic but no longer sees patients here.

For details on Dr Lewis’s retreats, please visit www.thefertilesoul.com.

Dr. T. Colin Campbell

  • Biggest Accomplishment Summary: Esteemed nutritional biochemist and author, known for his groundbreaking research on nutrition and health.

  • Main Philosophy: Advocates for the health benefits of a whole-food, plant-based diet in preventing chronic diseases and promoting longevity.

  • Teaching Summary: Offers evidence-based insights into the link between diet and disease, emphasizing the importance of plant-based nutrition for optimal health.

  • Most Recent Book: "The Future of Nutrition: An Insider's Look at the Science, Why We Keep Getting It Wrong, and How to Start Getting It Right"

  • Quote: "The message that a plant-based diet is healthful has been around for a long time. It's just that nobody paid attention to it."

Greg Braden

  • Biggest Accomplishment Summary: Notable author and speaker on science and spirituality, known for his work in bridging modern science and ancient wisdom.

  • Main Philosophy: Explores the interconnectedness of science, spirituality, and human potential, offering insights into the nature of reality and consciousness.

  • Teaching Summary: Offers perspectives on consciousness, evolution, and the power of the human heart, inspiring personal and collective transformation.

  • Most Recent Book: "The Science of Self-Empowerment: Awakening the New Human Story"

  • Quote: "We are not just observers in this world; we are the creators of our reality."

Jack Butler

  • Biggest Accomplishment Summary: Providing valuable relationship advice through his YouTube channel and coaching services.

  • Main Philosophy: Emphasizes communication, empathy, and personal growth in fostering healthy relationships.

  • Teaching Summary: Offers practical guidance on improving communication, resolving conflicts, and building intimacy in relationships.

Jack Kornfield

  • Biggest Accomplishment Summary: Contributing significantly to the popularization of mindfulness and Buddhist teachings in the West.

  • Main Philosophy: Advocates for mindfulness, compassion, and inner peace as pathways to personal transformation.

  • Teaching Summary: Offers teachings on mindfulness meditation, loving-kindness, and spiritual awakening through retreats, lectures, and writings.

  • Most Recent Book: "A Path with Heart: A Guide Through the Perils and Promises of Spiritual Life"

  • Quote: "In the end, just three things matter: How well we have lived, how well we have loved, and how well we have learned to let go."

Joe Dispenza

  • Biggest Accomplishment Summary: Integrating principles of neuroscience, quantum physics, and spirituality to empower personal transformation.

  • Main Philosophy: Focuses on the connection between mind, body, and consciousness, advocating for the power of intention and meditation in shaping reality.

  • Teaching Summary: Offers insights into the science of change, meditation practices, and techniques for breaking free from habitual patterns.

  • Most Recent Book: "Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon"

  • Quote: "The best way to predict your future is to create it, not from the known but from the unknown. When you get comfortable in the void and uncomfortable in the familiar, you’re mastering change."

Joseph Campbell

  • Biggest Accomplishment Summary: Pioneering the comparative study of mythology and its universal themes across cultures.

  • Main Philosophy: Explores the hero's journey, archetypes, and the transformative power of myth in human experience.

  • Teaching Summary: Offers insights into the role of myth in shaping cultures, identities, and personal narratives through his extensive research and writings.

  • Date of Birth and Death: March 26, 1904 – October 30, 1987

  • Birthplace and Residence: White Plains, New York, USA - Died in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

  • Most Recent Book: "The Hero with a Thousand Faces"

  • Quote: "Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls."

Katherine Woodward Thomas

  • Biggest Accomplishment Summary: Popularizing the concept of conscious uncoupling and providing tools for navigating relationship transitions.

  • Main Philosophy: Advocates for conscious, compassionate endings to relationships, emphasizing personal growth and healing.

  • Teaching Summary: Offers guidance on navigating breakups, divorce, and relationship transitions with grace, integrity, and self-awareness.

  • Most Recent Book: "Conscious Uncoupling: 5 Steps to Living Happily Even After"

  • Quote: "In any breakup, we have two choices: to act out of our hurt or to act out of our highest self."

Lynne McTaggart

  • Biggest Accomplishment Summary: Investigating the power of intention and consciousness in shaping reality through her research and writing.

  • Main Philosophy: Explores the interconnectedness of all things and the role of consciousness in creating our reality.

  • Teaching Summary: Offers insights into the science of intention, healing, and collective consciousness, inspiring individuals to harness their mind's power.

  • Most Recent Book: "The Power of Eight: Harnessing the Miraculous Energies of a Small Group to Heal Others, Your Life, and the World"

  • Quote: "Intention is a force that moves the universe."

Malcolm Gladwell

  • Biggest Accomplishment Summary: Influential author and journalist known for his insightful analysis of social phenomena and human behavior.

  • Main Philosophy: Examines the tipping points, outliers, and hidden patterns that shape societies and individuals.

  • Teaching Summary: Offers thought-provoking insights into decision-making, success, and the factors that drive human behavior through his books and articles.

  • Most Recent Book: "Talking to Strangers: What We Should Know about the People We Don't Know"

  • Quote: "The key to good decision making is not knowledge. It is understanding. We are swimming in the former. We are desperately lacking in the latter."

Marc Evan Katz

  • Biggest Accomplishment Summary: Providing valuable dating and relationship advice through his coaching programs, books, and online content.

  • Main Philosophy: Advocates for authenticity, confidence, and proactive dating strategies in finding meaningful relationships.

  • Teaching Summary: Offers practical advice on understanding men, navigating online dating, and building healthy relationships based on mutual respect and communication.

  • Most Recent Book: "Believe in Love: 7 Steps to Letting Go of the Past, Embracing the Present, and Dating with Confidence"

  • Quote: "The right person is still going to think the sun shines out of your ass. That’s the kind of person that’s worth sticking with."

Martin Luther King Jr.

  • Biggest Accomplishment Summary: Leadership in the American civil rights movement, advocating for racial equality and social justice.

  • Main Philosophy: Emphasized nonviolent protest, love, and equality as means of achieving social change.

  • Teaching Summary: Offered powerful speeches and writings on justice, equality, and the beloved community, inspiring generations to pursue equality and justice.

  • Date of Birth and Death: January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968

  • Birthplace and Residence: Atlanta, Georgia, USA - Died in Memphis, Tennessee, USA

  • Most Recent Book: "Why We Can't Wait"

  • Quote: "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

Mary Morrissey

  • Biggest Accomplishment Summary: Empowering individuals to achieve their dreams and create fulfilling lives through her coaching and motivational programs.

  • Main Philosophy: Advocates for the power of vision, faith, and perseverance in realizing one's dreams and aspirations.

  • Teaching Summary: Offers transformative teachings on goal setting, overcoming obstacles, and creating a life of purpose and fulfillment.

  • Date of Birth and Death: Not available

  • Birthplace and Residence: Not available

  • Most Recent Book: "No Less Than Greatness: The Seven Spiritual Principles that Make Real Love Possible"

  • Quote: "The Universe wants you to have everything you want, because it's been placed in your consciousness to want it."

Matthew Hussey

  • Biggest Accomplishment Summary: Providing valuable dating and relationship advice to millions through his coaching programs, books, and media appearances.

  • Main Philosophy: Advocates for proactive dating strategies, confidence-building, and effective communication in finding and maintaining relationships.

  • Teaching Summary: Offers practical advice on attracting and keeping the right partner, improving communication, and building confidence in dating and relationships.

  • Date of Birth and Death: Not available

  • Birthplace and Residence: Not available

  • Most Recent Book: "Get the Guy: Learn Secrets of the Male Mind to Find the Man You Want and the Love You Deserve"

  • Quote: "Attraction isn't a choice. It's a reaction."

Melanie Beckler

  • Biggest Accomplishment Summary: Providing spiritual guidance and angelic insights to seekers worldwide through her writings, meditations, and online presence.

  • Main Philosophy: Connects individuals with angelic guidance, higher wisdom, and the divine presence within.

  • Teaching Summary: Offers angelic meditations, channelings, and teachings on spiritual growth, healing, and manifesting with the assistance of angels.

  • Quote: "You are so loved and supported by the Angels, your guides, and the entire Universe."

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Mihaly Robert Csikszentmihalyi was a Hungarian-American psychologist. He recognized and named the psychological concept of "flow", a highly focused mental state conducive to productivity. He was the Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Management at Claremont Graduate University. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Wikipedia

  • Biggest Accomplishment Summary: Groundbreaking work on the psychology of optimal experience and the concept of flow.

  • Main Philosophy: Explores the conditions that lead to happiness, fulfillment, and peak performance in various activities.

  • Teaching Summary: Offers insights into the state of flow, creativity, and happiness, emphasizing the importance of challenge and engagement in achieving optimal experiences.

  • Born: September 29, 1934, Rijeka, Croatia

  • Died: October 20, 2021 (age 87 years), Claremont, CA Spouse: Isabella Selega Csikszentmihalyi

  • Most Recent Book: "Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience"

  • Quote: "The best moments usually occur when a person's body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile."

Mike Dooley

  • Biggest Accomplishment Summary: Inspiring millions through his "Notes from the Universe" messages and empowering teachings on manifestation and the law of attraction.

  • Main Philosophy: Advocates for the power of thoughts, beliefs, and actions in shaping one's reality and creating the life of their dreams.

  • Teaching Summary: Offers insights into manifestation, abundance, and personal empowerment, encouraging individuals to align with their dreams and desires.

  • Date of Birth and Death: Not available

  • Birthplace and Residence: Not available

  • Most Recent Book: "Playing the Matrix: A Program for Living Deliberately and Creating Consciously"

  • Quote: "Thoughts become things. Choose the good ones!"

Pema Chรถdrรถn

  • Biggest Accomplishment Summary: Sharing profound teachings on mindfulness, compassion, and inner peace through her books and teachings.

  • Main Philosophy: Emphasizes the practice of mindfulness, acceptance, and compassion in navigating life's challenges and finding inner peace.

  • Teaching Summary: Offers insights into meditation, Buddhist philosophy, and transformative practices for healing and personal growth.

  • Date of Birth and Death: Not available

  • Birthplace and Residence: Not available

  • Most Recent Book: "Welcoming the Unwelcome: Wholehearted Living in a Brokenhearted World"

  • Quote: "The most fundamental aggression to ourselves, the most fundamental harm we can do to ourselves, is to remain ignorant by not having the courage and the respect to look at ourselves honestly and gently."

Paul Ekman

  • Biggest Accomplishment Summary: Revolutionizing the understanding of emotions and nonverbal communication through his pioneering research.

  • Main Philosophy: Explores the universality of emotions and facial expressions, emphasizing their role in human interaction and psychology.

  • Teaching Summary: Offers insights into emotion recognition, deception detection, and nonverbal communication skills through his research and training programs.

  • Date of Birth and Death: February 15, 1934 - Present

  • Birthplace and Residence: Washington, D.C., USA - Lives in San Francisco, California, USA

  • Most Recent Book: "Emotions Revealed: Recognizing Faces and Feelings to Improve Communication and Emotional Life"

  • Quote: "It takes about 1/20th of a second to recognize an emotion in another's face."

Ralph Smart

  • Biggest Accomplishment Summary: Inspiring millions through his YouTube channel "Infinite Waters" and empowering messages on spirituality and personal growth.

  • Main Philosophy: Encourages self-love, authenticity, and spiritual awakening as pathways to personal freedom and fulfillment.

  • Teaching Summary: Offers insights into spirituality, consciousness, and holistic living, empowering individuals to live authentically and passionately.

  • Date of Birth and Death: Not available

  • Birthplace and Residence: Not available

  • Most Recent Book: "Feel Alive"

  • Quote: "We are the co-creators of our reality. The power to change is within you. Diving deep once again and we ain’t even had breakfast yet!"

Ramana Maharshi

  • Biggest Accomplishment Summary: Influential sage and spiritual teacher, renowned for his teachings on self-inquiry and enlightenment.

  • Main Philosophy: Emphasizes self-realization, inner peace, and the direct path to enlightenment through self-inquiry.

  • Teaching Summary: Offers guidance on self-inquiry, meditation, and transcending the ego to realize one's true nature as pure consciousness.

  • Date of Birth and Death: December 30, 1879 – April 14, 1950

  • Birthplace and Residence: Tiruchuli, Tamil Nadu, India - Lived in Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, India

  • Questioner: “How should we treat others?" Ramana Maharshi: “There are no others."

  • Quote: "Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world."

Rory Ray

  • Biggest Accomplishment Summary: Providing valuable relationship advice through his YouTube channel and coaching services.

  • Main Philosophy: Emphasizes authenticity, self-love, and effective communication in fostering healthy relationships.

  • Teaching Summary: Offers practical guidance on dating, communication, and personal growth to help individuals find and maintain fulfilling relationships.

  • Date of Birth and Death: Not available

  • Birthplace and Residence: Not available

  • Most Recent Book: Not applicable

  • Quote: Not available

Thich Nhat Hanh

  • I had the honor of meeting "Thay" with my babies daddy when we spent a day of Mindfulness and meditated with his Monastery when he was visiting New York from his home in France. Around 2010, we spent a full day there and I even got to ask him a question! We listened to a long, lovely lecture, meditated all day which included a walking mediation with all the monastery residents, and the daily visitors. One of my favorite experiences of all time!

  • Biggest Accomplishment Summary: Sharing mindfulness teachings and advocating for peace and social justice worldwide.

  • Main Philosophy: Emphasizes mindfulness, compassion, and inner peace as means of healing individuals and society.

  • Teaching Summary: Offers teachings on mindfulness meditation, peace activism, and engaged Buddhism to cultivate compassion and transform suffering.

  • Date of Birth and Death: October 11, 1926 - Present

  • Birthplace and Residence: Thแปซa Thiรชn Huแบฟ, Vietnam - Lived in Plum Village, Dordogne, France

  • Death. January 22, 2022

Thรญch Nhแบฅt Hแบกnh - Wikipedia

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