Whole Food Plant Based No Added Oil

Whole Food Plant Based No Added Oil
Whole Food, Plant~Based, Oil~Free Vegan, NO processed oils, Minimal Sugar Dietary Guidelines Food Pyramid

Insight Coach details


Insight Coach details:

I meet with my clients via video chat or phone call if prefered

During our call, I listen to your concerns and what specifically you want insight into.

My experience as an Insight Coach includes assisting clients to:

  • learn to live on purpose on purpose (said twice because twice as nice and on purpose on purpose means to live intentionally by choice)
  • learn to discern

  • learn the power of your own reasons

  • learn the power behind your right to craft your own reasons for your own design for your own purposes for your own happiness
  • discover your creativity (and expand, explore, allow)

  • making hard decisions (e.g. stay or go, propose or breakup, pursue promotion, stay still, quit, start a new career, side-hustle or hobby, move to a new apt, house, town, state, country, etc.)
  • choosing between 2 options or neither

  • healing from heartbreak

  • Conscious Uncoupling perspective - Katherine Woodward Thomas's book and teaching method (I have attended an in-person seminar taught by Ms Thomas, read her book, and am a living example of the process in action 10 years and counting consciously uncoupled and co-parenting two miracle kids!)
  • starting something new

  • learn to deal with *trauma and healing (whether you've been through psychotherapy, psychiatry, alternative therapy, life coaching, or none of the above, I have practical, actionable, digestible methods for learning to see your unseen wounds so you can begin the process of healing - its not magic, not easy, but healing is possible)

    *Please note: if you have psychological issues, or require professional psychiatric care, please note my services are not intended to replace any appropriate professional psychiatric or medical doctor or care

  • learning to love yourself through the process of learning to like yourself

  • making time to do the things you love

  • learning to discern what you love and what you really want to do

  • what dreams you want to pursue

  • what path is the best for you to start calibrating yourself to

  • how to start moving closer to actually living the life of your own design

These are just some of the topics that I discuss with my insight coaching clients. 

My method differs from a traditional therapist's role, I specifically work with my clients as an insight coach. 

In our call, we will introduce ourselves briefly, I will share a quick overview of the call agenda/expectations, then I listen intently as you explain your issues/concerns/questions. During the second part of our call, I will ask you questions, to explore the topic together, and I will conclude summarizing the insights from our call, and we discuss your best next steps.

From there, you can continue working independently, my ultimate goal is to assist people to learn how to discover your own insights. You are the ultimate best judge, finest architect, and supreme designer of your own best life.

My role is to work with you, how often, and for however long the process continues to be beneficial.

After our initial call we schedule a follow up insight call. We can schedule another one-time call, or a regular call to deep dive topics, continue our progress, or add additional topics/issues/decisions that you desire insight on.

Once we have discussed your concerns, and reviewed my insights, if you choose to, can continue work on an action plan for you. 

If you would like to continue with my consulting services, we can schedule a virtual consulting call to discuss your specific projects to work on.

We can have a one time call, or set up ongoing weekly calls, or a monthly check in. 

Additionally, I may be able to offer virtual consulting assistance in working on your action plan, if applicable and compatible.

I look forward to expanding with you!

My education, experience, and methodology has been honed over decades. The list of (some of the many) teachers who have most influenced me are available
[click here: Who I Love (some influential teachers with links)]

If you need objective insight into a variety of issues or aspects in your life, I am happy to work with you. My education includes a variety of traditional psychology, hands-on real life insight coaching, virtual learning across multiple platforms, schools of thought, online universities, books, online courses, in person volunteering, years of child-care, and my own journey of trauma, healing, and consistently up leveling my ability and willingness to love myself and others.

"There are no others." - Ramana Maharshi

My perspective, mindset, methods, and worldview are American mixed heavily with Buddhist, Eastern philosophy, artistic, eccentric, creative, individualistic harmonized with interdependence, and inherent belief every individual beings right to live happy, violence free, fulfilling joyful lives that include safe affection, and deep loving connections with a variety of people, fur babies, and vibrational beings. 

I've lived as a dedicated vegan for the past 15 years, and vegetarian for 18 years before committing fully to Ahimsa, which in it's simplest form is a vow to do no harm, as well as to also always do good.

I also deeply respect everyone's right to live as they choose. I believe we need to learn to stop "shoulding" ourselves and others. And also to make the time in the space for ourselves to do the things in our lives that we desperately crave, the things that we were born to do that we often do not allow ourselves the time, energy, money, space, and permission to do.  And this refusal to allow ourselves to do what we need to do, I believe, is the root cause of most of our misery, or general dissatisfaction.

One of my greatest strengths, that also has been my greatest struggle, is my ultra sensitive nature. This includes hyper sensitive sense of smell, touch, hearing, not so much with eyesight
 πŸ‘ πŸ‘

hypersensitive dreaming, intense dream retention, photographic memory, creativity, innovation and intuition.

I use my special Gifts, my many years of education and experience to assist you in a uncovering your own special gifts, your unseen blocks to your own continued upleveling, and the things that you are doing yourself that are causing your own lack or uncertainty.

I work with my clients to uncover and then assist you individually in learning how to nurture your own creativity, self-love, self respect, self-esteem, how you personally can learn to move your body in ways that feel good, to help you achieve and maintain a healthier body,  and how to expand your own willingness and ability to learn to like yourself and allow yourself to do the things that you like to do.

I also have excellent dream retention, and exploring the meaning and power of *dreams has always been a part of my life. If this is a topic that interests you, and an avenue of exploration that interests you, we can also discuss and to work together to interpret dreams that are meaningful, curious, recurring, or art of special interest to you.

Please note, I will not ask about your night-time dreams, or open this avenue of discussion unless you request and specifically are interested in doing so.

I joyfully discuss veganism with clients who are interested.

My personal creative outlets are drawing, painting, writing my thoughts, writing novelettes, dancing (mostly modern dance), my own version fusion of modern dance/yoga/creative movement, yoga, mediation, talking walks, and personal video therapy sessions (another method I teach). I also love to make videos on a variety of topics.

If this sounds interesting, intriguing, and like a path you would like to walk along with me, get in touch!

If you are interested in weekly sessions please sign up for the monthly tier, thank you. Signing up for the monthly tier includes a discount!

If you are interested in nsight Coaching please email me for current rates and available hours at lovedreamingpeach@gmail.com

Thank you.

I look forward to working with you!

It is my hope, and intention that our interaction will leave you feeling upleveled, and more empowered to live a joyous life of your own crafting, dreaming, design, and living! Peachy.

kat love dreaming peach πŸ‘

Schedule time with me

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